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Internal bid fee

Internal bid fee

A $2.00 fee per 1000yen difference between the closing price and the second Japamart member's bid price.

In rare cases, multiple Japamart members bid on the same auction. In these cases, our system can help you save money. Let's think about the following situation.


An auction started at : 2,000 yen

Japamart member A bid : 8,000 yen

Japamart member B bid : 10,000 yen

The auction ended

How much do you calculate the closing price? If the second bidder is not our member, the closing price would be 8100 yen. But the fact is just 2,000 yen!!

This puzzling result is attributed to the fact that our members bid on auctions using the same YHJ ID. We will show you two more examples below. One is a normal auction and the other is the case that two Japamart members bid on the same auction.

Example 1
Normal auction
Start Price 1,500 yen
Other bidder bids 6,000 yen
Our member A bids 8,000 yen
Closing price 6,100 yen($58.10)
Difference None
Internal bid fee None
Subtotal $58.10
($1.00=105yen )

Example 2
Two members bid on the same auction
Start Price 1,500 yen
Our member B bids 6,000 yen
Our member A bids 8,000 yen
Closing price 1,500 yen($14.28)
Difference 4,500 yen
Internal bid fee $10.00
Subtotal $24.28
($1.00=105yen )

Please compare the subtotal between the two cases. In the example2, although we charge the member a $10.00 internal bid fee, member A saves $33.82 (=58.10-24.28).